Monday, 2 November 2009

A New Direction!

Awoke to gales once again, but from the west for a change, so figured I wouldn't be called on for plane duty (as it turned out there weren't any planes all day) and headed straight out after breakfast. It was a rather damp trudge round the South with highlights of the three Woodlarks still at Neder Taft and a Moorhen at Skadan. Jack's highlight of the North was a Goldfinch in the Plantation.

The winning bid in the auction of James McCallum's Siberian Thrush painting in aid of the New Obs Appeal was for an impressive £550 - Thankyou very much Nigel Woolliscroft!
Our next auction will be for Shirva Stewart Thomson's latest spinning wheel - another fabulously handcrafted piece of working art, made from pieces of the Old and the New Observatory!! Details to follow soon.

Lowri came round after school and stayed for tea, which was nice!

Lubo thought he'd help himself to a few onions this evening - as if he didn't smell bad enough!!!

I re-wired the storage heater in the porch and put the cable inside a piece of black pipe and instructed Lubo to stay away from it. We'll see how long it lasts!

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