Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Ahem! Happy New Year!!

Well, I am ashamed that this is my first blog entry of 2011.......and with just a few weeks left before I hand over to the new Warden!Anyway, this isn't going to be a massive catchup but I felt compelled to write as I've just had a Fair Isle tick! Five Bewick's Swans on Da of them sporting a neck collar and rings! I'll have to wait for the ringing details. For a nice comparison there was a Whooper on Golden wWater. And whilst on the 'big white' theme......a second winter Glaucous Gull on Vaasetter!

1 comment:

  1. This collar would have probably been placed on the bird in the Netherlands. At WWT Slimbridge, several weeks ago we caught/controlled two Bewick's that had yellow neck collars (106E & 107E) - The collars carry a special blue tooth tracking device, which allows the researchers to download the information, from c300 meters away from the bird - using a hand held device/mast. Looking at your photos, this bird is also carrying the blue tooth device. See my blog here ( for a picture of one of the ''bluetooth'' birds that we caught.

    Best wishes



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