Monday 13 September 2010


Autumn birding is picking up with increased numbers of common migrants now. However we are just lacking the rarities with best birds of recent days being an elusive Short-toed Lark and a Common Buzzard that went straight through. Yesterday (12th) a few nice waders dropped in....... a Curlew Sandpiper on Buness was joined an hour later by a Little Stint, then a Pectoral Sandpiper with the Golden Plover at Barkland flew down to Da Water, where it remained for the rest of the day - and was very approachable.

Work on the Obs building is creeping along, the garage has now been completely re-clad and the roof finished. The joinery work in the Warden's accommodation has been completed and the painter is in now, doing his thing before the carpet fitter comes to finish up. However we have heard that he cannot come until November, so it looks like we shall never live in it!! There is still a leak in the roof (between pods) to sort out and a fair few facings etc to go on the outside. The main guesthouse internally is however pretty much finished - even the troublesome showers!!!

The highlight at Burkle in the past few days has been Ythan's seventh birthday on 11th! It was a bit of let-down really as we (his parents) have been so busy/disorganised that we ended up having to buy almost all his presents from Stackhoull Stores which, whilst being a great place for more than all your everyday essentials, is hardly the place to go birthday shopping for a seven year old - or anybody for that matter!! He did have a joint birthday party with Oisin Bracken in the hall the day before though which everyone seemed to enjoy immensely, especially Grandma!!

In preparation for becoming crofters we are now proud owners of ten Cheviot ewes!!

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