It's been a long day, with lots of miles covered, plenty of birds counted and some corking highlights. Amongst the best bits were: Collared Flycatcher, 2 Subalpine Warblers (the female still at Lower Stonybrek and the male Eastern bird at the Obs this evening where it was trapped), 2 Wood Warblers, 4 Black Redstarts, 9 Redstarts (all males), 17 Tree Pipits,15 Blackcaps and a Pied Flycatcher (a male and our first of the year, found about 15 minutes before and 300m north of the Collared Fly!)
A few Lapland Buntings are scattered around the island, none as fine as this male near the Ringing Hut. |
This Wood Warbler was on the same cliff as the Collared Fly. |
Male Collared Flycatcher found by Jason and Sarah in South Krojeals (at the south of Hoini Geo) this morning - fantastic! Surely one of the birds of the year already. |
how beautiful...
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