I remember reading a Bill Oddie book years ago in which he described some situations just looking 'right' for certain birds, I think it might even have been on Shetland when he described telling a friend 'there should be a bluethroat there' and one popped up. We had a similar situation today when Jason and I were in the minibus trying to see the four Tree Sparrows in the south (a Fair Isle tick for both of us!). Having been unsuccessful at Haa and Burkle, we tried Utra to no avail and, whilst turning the minibus, a Sand Martin flew past with a couple of Swallows. A brief conversation ensued about how a few Swallows had moved through today and it really did look good for a Red-rumped Swallow today. We were still talking about it when a pale-rumped hirundine skimmed past the minibus, brakes were applied, binoculars were grabbed and:
Red-rumped Swallow at Utra, it stayed around long enough to be seen by most folk at the Obs and a few interested islanders. |
Other birds today included the Collared Flycatcher, both Subalpine Warblers and a Wryneck; not a bad day all in all! And yes, the forecast is for more easterly winds, so hopefully a few more birds tomorrow...
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